الجمعة، 12 أكتوبر 2018

Sisley Beauty Subscription: Sun Never Sets

My Sisley Beauty Subscription arrived the other day. This month the theme is "Sun Never Sets" and Sisley says "Even with Autumn well on it's way, don't give up on a luminous glow". October's picks will provide radiance and shine throughout the month.

Inside this month is:

Sisleya Essential Skin Care Lotion 15ml
Sisleya L'Integral Anti-Age 5ml
Hair Rituel Revitalising Straightening Shampoo 8ml
Sisleya Le Teint 3R Peach 1.5ml
Soir D'Orient EdP 1.4ml

I'll share my thoughts as I use them up (in empties posts). Sign up for £35 for 6 months or £70 for 12 HERE.

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